Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Red Balloon- Dannie Abse

Red Balloon is a poem mainly about Antisemitism. the balloon itself is a metaphor for Judaism and as it is red, a bright visible colour, you can infer that he feels his background is fully on display and everyone knows he is different.
 A young boy blowing up a balloon in Gorbals in 1948
The fact Abse describes Judaism as a balloon, a fun childhood plaything, gives a sense of lightheartedness and freedom. however at the end of the second stanza he states that "it ceased to be a toy" insinuating that as he grew up his religion became a much more serious affair. The height of the racism is expressed towards the end of the poem, for example he explains how little boys teased and asked to get the balloon "circumcised" and he describes how "some unsheathed their dirty knives" which could be taken as a metaphor for their un-circumcised penises. He explains racial attacks, saying "they bled my nose, they cut my eye" and finally stating the message of how they tried to make him give up his faith saying "give up, give up your red balloon" enforcing the image of a struggle to stay true to his faith.