Sunday, 22 February 2015

Blond Boys- Dannie Abse

Blond Boys is poem about a young crush had by Abse. The memories of the crush are brought back when he sees the girl once again in Stockholm and remembers his "first shy love". He immediately names the woman, "Eva Jones", this gives us the sense of a real person and not only that but someone clearly very important to Abse due to his remembering of her full name coming so easily after all the time he hasn't seen her.
Abse portrays the feelings of his young love perfectly, showing how he felt inadequate by describing his "acne",an unattractive trait, and her "dimples" a cute and innocent aspect. He also tells of how he did things he was dared to by her, showing his eagerness to impress. 
Even the way he describes "the forever of an August Sunday evening" is extremely idealistic and shows that, despite as we see in the ending she turned him down because she preferred "blond boys", his memories of her are untainted by time and circumstance, and he still remembers the strength of the feelings of his young self. 

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